Rule Zero

I’ve seen this meme around.
“Don’t be an asshole to me. Then I’d have to be an asshole back to you. And I’m way better’n you at being an asshole.”

And in driving, as so many people do asshole stuff, I would emphasize.


‘Cause people do asshole stuff and smart, strategic drivers know to pick their fights, so they don’t slap down the assholes like they deserve.

Note that I say “deserve” not like “they should be.” The latter implies an imperative to act. There isn’t one. Slapping down assholes just gets you into shit so don’t. And, from an external perspective (somebody who’s just driving along and not really involved in our little contretemps), it might seem that the asshole got away with it. And a certain percentage of the populace will accept that as permission to be an asshole, too.

(And, sooner or later, somebody gonna come whose better than you at asshole-ing and… guess what?)

And thus the situation develops on our nation’s highways, that everybody acts the asshole. So, before any of the other rules of the road come the Zero Rule: Don’t be an asshole.

Over time, I’ll be introducing more of these. Lemme know whatcha think.

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